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Muscle Enhancement + Fat Bruning   

EM-Shape Body Contouring

EM-Shape is the revolutionizing body contouring treatment that tones muscles while also reducing fat. Using state of the art electro-magnetic energy, EM-Shape stimulates muscle building and tissue remodeling at a level that is impossible to achieve through exercise alone. Combined with impressive fat reduction at the treatment area, EM-Shape has you slimmer, and more sculpted with fast results.



EM-Shape is FDA cleared to treat the abdomen, hips, thighs, back, arms, buttock area, providing an ideal alternative to liposuction.






Muscle Mass Increase by 19%

Fat Reduction 
by 16%


Burn 500 Calories in 30 mins


Natural looking results


FDA cleared & scientifically proven


Non-surgical and non-invasive


Fast, 30-minute treatment


No downtime




EM-Shape works by utilizing High Intensity, Focused Electro Magnetic energy (HIFEM.)


During your treatment, an applicator delivers electromagnetic energy to the targeted area. The energy deeply penetrates the muscle tissue, inducing supramaximal muscle contractions.  These supramaximal contractions work your muscles at a level that cannot be achieved manually.


This intense muscle workout builds muscle mass, increasing strength, improving tone, enhancing definition, and builds new protein strains. 


While stimulating muscle contractions, the HIFEM energy also disrupts overlying adipocytes (fat cells) triggering their destruction and removal through the natural metabolic processes of the lymphatic system. Known as lipolysis (the destruction of fat cells,).

Have you hit a plateau with your fitness goals? Then you need EM-Shape to push you to the next level.



In 30 mins you can blast fat away and burn 500 calories!


This deep remodeling of your muscle tissue will smooth out cellulite!


EM-Shape is the #1 Booty Lifter on the market!


30 minutes of EM-Shape is equal to 20,000k sit-ups or squats!


Fill out hip dips and create an hourglass shape!


Zero pain during and after!

Ready to get started?

Book your appointment today!

Q & A

Does EM-Shape Hurt?

The EM-Shape treatment is painless. You will feel your muscle contracting, which some patients describe as a weird sensation, but not uncomfortable.


How often can I receive my treatment?

EM-Shape treatments typically take less than 30 minutes to perform. Most treatment plans schedule 4 cycles, spaced 2-3 days apart. This distinguishes EM-Shape from many other body contouring treatments that require cycles to be spaced months apart. With EM-Shape, you can complete a total treatment schedule within 2 weeks and begin to see results in as little as two weeks after that (although most patients require 4 weeks to see their results and individual experiences may vary.)


What are the side effects?

EM-Shape is touted for its high safety profile. There are no known side effects of this procedure. However, most patients report temporary muscle soreness in the treatment area within 24 to 48 hours after their treatment. This soreness is similar to how you may feel after a hard workout and is a good indication that the treatment is working.


Who can receive this treatment? 

Em-shape is intended for healthy individuals who want to sculpt their physique by building, strengthening, and toning muscle. Typically, best results are seen on individuals who are at their ideal weight. The best way to find out if Em-shape is right for you is to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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